Thursday, April 26, 2007

What's Your Story?

Never underestimate the power of your personal testimony.

I would say that our own heartfelt story of how Jesus changed our life is one of the most attractive lures in our evangelistic tackle box. I know that signs and wonders and conviction are absolutely essential too, but more fundamental to the fulfillment of our commission from Christ is our personal witness. Telling people from a first-hand perspective what Christ has done for us is the persuasive key that unlocks personal evangelism.

See this great story of the power of testimony. 

Now you may think that story is only stellar because it deals with a star. It would be hard to contend that it did not have something to do with the results, but let's not miss the point-- the proclamation of the life-changing power of the gospel by a life changed by the gospel has fantastic, alluring effects.

In just a few days, trout fishers will line every brook, trickle and drip around these parts. They won't wading through frigid water, mucking around slippery banks, and fighting their way through branch and bramble to waste their time fishing with empty hooks! They'll offer what they consider the best bait they have. Evangelizing Christians have some mighty fine bait in their personal testimony. So, why not get out there and tell your story and see if you aren't more successful in fishing for people?