"Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards,for our vineyards are in blossom."
Big challenges present big problems, and can produce epic failures. But small things can accumulate and ruin everything as well. Like a constrictor, slowly but efficiently they squeeze the life out of us by tightening their grip on every exhale. We breathe out but don't breathe in. Sometimes the constrictors in our lives seem like good things-- anything but slithery (Revelation 2:2-3).
In spiritual constriction, the Spirit goes out in word and deed, but isn't given the opportunity to refill the vessel. The constrictors can be something as mundane as the mere distractions of living (Luke 8:14). The Spirit is replaced by that which is not Spirit, like inhaling nitrous oxide instead of oxygen, which makes the constrictor's clinch no laughing matter.
The soul of our existence is our oneness with God (John 17:20-26). When the congress between the Spirit of God and us is free, without competition, we know who He is and who we are in him. We're anchored, standing on solid ground. When we begin getting too occupied doing things, even holy things, we end up getting out of Breath. We go stale, we drift, doubts increase, and unfortunately, so does sin.
Jesus was incredibly busy and yet never seemed in a rush. He knew what his source was. He didn't substitute action for interaction with his heavenly Father. Somehow, whether in our rush to do good, or just to do, we lose track of that lesson, and forget that what makes us what we are and fuels what we hope to be is God's presence in our lives.
What hope do we have apart from the warmth of our fellowship and the depth of our conversation with God? Jesus masterfully got that point across by using the illustration of the vinedresser and his vines. He truly is looking to bring the very best out of us. However, I don't think that we can take that in any way implying that he would be happy with raisins rather than grapes.