Monday, October 1, 2007

To Hell With It

I said in an earlier post that we do not have anything to prove to God, nor can we measure up to his (or anyone else's) standard. All that we can prove by such vain efforts is that in our own Adamic natures, we are sinners. Does that mean we should live willy nilly, that anything goes? No, sin will always be sin, and God will always hate it. Ultimately, he must completely disable it!

Philosophically, sin is an impossibility. How can that which is against the will of God (sin) exist in objective reality when God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent and righteous? God could not be said to have the last two attributes if he allowed or could not stop sin. So, sin can only exist in this temporary framework of spacetime, which is constricted, cursed and scheduled for termination.

The grace of God allows the illusion of ongoing sinful life for, really, just a moment, because of the possibility of repentance and redemption among the denizens therein. A time is coming, and shortly, when reality will come a-knocking, and then, nothing that stands in opposition to the will of God will stand any longer. That coming, ultimate reality check is called hell.

Some folk wonder how a loving God could put living human beings into a fiery lake forever, but I don't know what other possibility could exist. They usually think that, even if the lake is real, it cannot possibly be forever. Sometime, the flame has to go out, and the worm metamorphose and fly away to different quarry. All of us who are parents, or who had parents, realize that punishment ends sometime, right? No, such thoughts arise from a misunderstanding of human and angelic nature, sin and independent wills.

Ultimately, how can any will exist but that which is omnipotent, particularly if the omnipotent one was righteous too? For any opposing will to exist contemporaneously and/or permanently would undermine the nature of the supposedly omnipotent, righteous one. That one would then, in fact, not be omnipotent and righteous, but impotent and indifferent-- merely capable of conceiving but not of delivering.

Why does that make hell necessary?

Primarily, human and angelic being cannot be disposed of nor dissolved. We know the Spirit of God is eternal and indestructible, but what he lends breath or personal spirit to cannot be destroyed either, though it can be established with independence as a being. Humans and angels (I don't have a scripture reference for angels, but it does make sense to me) fall into this category. If everything in nature reveals something about the invisible attributes of God, think about what the conservation of mass and energy reveals to us about the breath from God that makes us a person-- it cannot be destroyed.

Once created, humans and angels cannot be destroyed. However, they can be disabled, they can cease having independent freedom of thought and action. How? Overwhelm their will with incessant fire and they will never entertain a thought, nor devise a scheme, nor hatch a plot in opposition to God's will again. They will never act on such again. Don Piper's experience of a painful recovery after a traffic accident is helpful here:
In the first few weeks of my recovery, I was in such constant physical pain I couldn't hold any thoughts in my mind for more than a second or two (from 90 Minutes in Heaven, p. 102)
One long "arrrrgh!" will be their lot, cosmic pink noise. Coherent thought will be impossible, no conceptions nor communications. Their eternal will is silenced in perpetual flames, whereas God's will continues unabated, unfettered by opposition. It has to be.

God created us with divine-like capacities in order to fellowship with him. Christ reveals in flesh and bone, in spirit and in thought what that looks like. It’s not oppressive nor coercive, but food and life, joy and peace. Our wills are meant to be experienced as the replication and expression of his. Exertion of our will (our works) is not the means to achieve that, inspiration is. As for sin, to hell with it!

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